What do the Mona Lisa, the Great Wall of China and Trolltunga have in common? It sounds like a bad travel joke, but the answer is — they are popular bucket list destinations for travelers ar... Read more
Having launched the first two weeks of its fifth edition under the theme of “change” in December at the American University of Lebanon, and despite the riotous political and social situation... Read more
A study initially investigating aspirin as a preventive treatment for colorectal cancer coincidentally uncovered a mechanism that might explain how fruit and vegetables reduce the risk of de... Read more
World heritage guardians UNESCO has withdrawn a Belgian festival from one of its protection lists over the presence of “racist and anti-Semitic” floats. The annual Aalst carnival... Read more
There are billions of people today who are checking their social media accounts and they are getting exposed to a wide variety of information. Many great businesses who are doing top sales t... Read more
There are some really great jobs for bloggers out there and if you are someone who is looking for a space that welcomes digital marketing bloggers then you should take a look at what The Onl... Read more
The colossal spending frenzy where big-name retailers slash their prices is almost here, and while it’s a given that most of your favourite stores will join in, if you’re going to make the m... Read more
A popular U.S. brand of potato chips once promoted itself with the slogan, “betcha can’t eat just one!” Maybe that’s because potato chips, like so many foods in the A... Read more
For those of us who monetize our passion, the lifestyle of entrepreneurship can often take a mental and physical toll on our bodies. Managing your own time means working around the clock whi... Read more
Most countries attract foreign direct investments to create jobs, increase economic growth and expand technical knowledge among locals. Setting up a business in another country is not one of... Read more